Many businesses are considering a communications platform like RingCentral for their day-to-day operations. However, it’s important to evaluate if it fully meets the needs of effective text messaging campaigns.

RingCentral offers voice, video, and SMS but lacks advanced features essential for improving customer interactions. Features like customization, segmentation, and scheduling, essential for targeted and timely messages, are not as developed on a non-dedicated platform.

SMS business solutions are designed specifically for text messaging. They allow businesses to tailor messages based on customer data, target specific groups, and send SMS messages at the best times.

In this guide, we will explore how SMS business solutions compare to RingCentral and uncover which one is the best for text messaging and drives better engagement.

RingCentral’s Key Features

RingCentral is a cloud-based communication platform that offers a comprehensive phone system that includes voice, video, and SMS. It also supports plans with unlimited calls or texts on U.S. and Canadian mobile carriers. 

The texting capability is primarily designed for one-to-one communications and sending messages to small groups manually.

RingCentral works on both Windows and Mac with at least 8 GB of RAM and uses the internet for calls, so call quality depends on the internet connection.

One of RingCentral’s key features is its extensive integration capabilities. It supports hundreds of popular software tools, such as Salesforce, Google Workspace, Microsoft Teams, Zendesk, and Slack. 

These integrations help businesses simplify workflows and improve productivity by ensuring smooth communication across different platforms. 

Dedicated SMS Platforms vs Non-Dedicated Platforms

RingCentral might seem attractive with its broad range of features, including SMS. But what if you could get even more from your text messaging efforts?

While this might be convenient if you want everything in one place, the SMS capabilities might not be as strong or flexible as those found on a dedicated SMS platform.

SMS business solutions are built specifically for sending and managing text messages. They have  features like that trigger messages, send automatic replies, two-way messaging, and sending texts to large groups, which make communication more efficient and engaging. 

Reliability and deliverability are also key strengths of dedicated SMS platforms. A dedicated platform like Textellent makes sure that texts reach the intended recipients consistently and on time.

Dedicated SMS platforms typically provide more robust tools for managing incoming SMS traffic, including advanced sorting, auto-responding, campaigns, and integration capabilities. 

RingCentral allows for SMS to be received but is generally more limited in terms of management and integration features.

The good news is that choosing a dedicated SMS solution does not mean you need to change your phone system. Dedicated SMS platforms can easily replace the texting element of the RingCentral system while the phone numbers remain in place and voice calls continue to be handled in the same way so there is no disruption in the way customers are handled, yet the business gets advanced texting features.  

Specific Use Cases of SMS Business Solutions

Dedicated SMS business solutions like Textellent offer versatile applications across various scenarios to boost efficiency and customer engagement:

Marketing Campaigns

Textellent is perfect for big and small businesses that frequently run marketing campaigns. With bulk messaging capabilities, businesses can reach a large audience quickly and efficiently. 

For instance, a retail chain launching a seasonal sale can send out promotional messages to thousands of customers in minutes. 

Automated responses can handle customer inquiries about the sale. Meanwhile, personalized campaigns can target specific customer segments, which increases the likelihood of engagement and sales.

SMS business solutions typically offer more flexible options for campaign registration. Compared to non-dedicated platforms, they allow easy setup and customization of an SMS campaign.

Customer Support

Textellent’s two-way messaging capabilities can improve customer support. Real-time communication allows businesses to respond quickly to customer queries, resolve issues, and provide support.

Owners of professional business services can use Textellent to maintain crucial contacts, such as follow-ups, reminders, follow-on drip campaign reviews, etc., with their customers at all times.

Automated Appointment Reminders and Confirmations

Textellent is highly effective for managing appointments across service industries. This platform can send automated reminders to customers about upcoming appointments and meetings. 

Reminders can include intake forms or other preparation needed to ensure successful meetings. This reduces no-show rates, ensuring a smoother operational flow and better time management.

Confirmations can also be sent via SMS message to confirm or reschedule appointments easily, which helps manage the business’s schedule.

Internal Communications

Internal communication is another area where dedicated SMS platforms prove invaluable. Businesses will find Textellent extremely easy to use for sending large groups with one click updates about policy changes, emergency alerts, or general announcements to all employees.

SMS ensures that the message is delivered directly to employees’ mobile phone numbers, which increases the likelihood of immediate reception and acknowledgment.

Feedback Collection

Feedback is essential for any business looking to improve its services or products. Restaurants, for example, can use Textellent to send a quick survey link to customers after their visit. 

This makes the process of giving feedback easier for customers and increases the response rate.

When to Choose a Dedicated SMS Business Solution

Choosing a dedicated SMS business solution is important when your business needs specialized and powerful text messaging capabilities that general communication platforms like RingCentral can’t provide.

While platforms like RingCentral do offer some texting features, they lack the advanced tools for handling larger groups, sophisticated targeted and automated messaging that dedicated solutions can offer.

An SMS business solution is ideal for businesses with bigger text messaging needs. They come with features that allow you to schedule messages in advance. It’s also perfect for setting up marketing campaigns or reminders at the best times for engagement.

Choosing a dedicated SMS platform over a non-dedicated one like RingCentral becomes essential for:

Business Size and Industry

Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that rely heavily on customer engagement can benefit from dedicated SMS solutions. 

For instance, a local restaurant sending daily specials or a retail store announcing flash sales can use bulk messaging and personalization to maximize reach and impact.

Large Enterprises, especially those with bigger customer bases like banks or telecom companies, require the reliability and advanced features of dedicated SMS platforms. 

These businesses often need to send large volumes of messages daily, including OTPs (One-Time Passwords), transaction alerts, and promotional offers.

Industry-Specific Benefits

E-commerce businesses can also use Textellent to send order confirmations, shipping updates, and promotional offers. 

It can notify customers when their orders have shipped and provide tracking information, which leads to higher satisfaction and repeat business.

Long-Term Growth and Scalability

As businesses grow, their communication needs become more complex and demanding. A growing customer base means more messages to send. 

RingCentral might encounter scalability limitations when it comes to handling a very high volume of SMS messages or rapidly scaling up SMS operations.

Textellent is designed to handle high volumes of messages without compromising on reliability or speed. If your business expands, a dedicated platform like Textellent can scale up its use to manage increasing orders and customer inquiries. 

The platform’s advanced features, such as automated responses and detailed segmentation, ensure that the quality of communication remains high even as the platform grows.

Break Free from Limited SMS Tools and Upgrade to Textellent!

Are you getting everything you can out of SMS? If texting is a big part of your day-to-day operations, you need the best dedicated SMS business solutions that are designed with specialized texting features.

Break Free from Limited SMS Tools and Upgrade to Textellent!

Don’t let a one-size-fits-all solution hold you back. Upgrade to a dedicated SMS platform and experience a level of customization and efficiency that non-dedicated solutions simply can’t match.

Make the switch today – sign up for a free trial or request a demo consultation.

FAQs About SMS Business Solutions vs RingCentral

How do email notifications compare between business SMS solutions and RingCentral?

SMS business solutions often integrate seamlessly with email systems for improved automated email notifications linked to SMS activities.

RingCentral also offers email notification capabilities, especially through its integration with other communication tools like Zoom Phone, but it might not be as focused on integrating these with SMS campaigns.

Can I send MMS as well as SMS with RingCentral and dedicated SMS platforms?

Yes, both dedicated SMS platforms and RingCentral support SMS, MMS, and interactive voice response sending. However, dedicated SMS platforms offer more advanced features for managing and optimizing MMS content as part of larger SMS traffic campaigns.

Do dedicated SMS solutions and RingCentral offer toll-free SMS numbers?

Both dedicated SMS platforms and RingCentral allow businesses to send and receive SMS using toll-free numbers. This feature is useful for businesses looking to maintain a professional image while engaging with customers across North America.