Textellent is committed to helping businesses enhance their customer journey. Through personalized communication, timely support, seamless multi-channel communication, real-time updates, and post-purchase engagement, our specialists at Textellent empower businesses to create exceptional experiences for their customers. By leveraging our platform, your business can forge stronger connections, foster loyalty, and drive long-term and repeated success.

Personalized Communication for Meaningful Engagement

Textellent enables businesses to establish personalized communication channels with their customers that result in higher levels of engagement. Research has shown that marketers using three or more channels in any one campaign earned a 287% higher purchase rate than those using a single channel. Through our platform, businesses can send tailored SMS messages, addressing customers by name and providing relevant information depending on their stage in the customer journey. This level of personalization fosters a sense of connection and enhances engagement, leading to a more meaningful customer journey.When this approach is taken it is not unusual to see engagement levels as high as 40+%

Timely and Proactive Customer Support

Textellent empowers businesses to provide timely and proactive customer support throughout the customer journey. Our platform offers features such as two-way texting, group and bulk texting  and automated responses, allowing businesses to address the customer appropriately through-out the customer journey. Whether it is from scheduling those initial consults, to placing an order for a service or product, to servicing them at every subsequent step of the way.. By being readily available to assist customers via a more intimate channel such as texting, businesses can ensure a smooth and satisfactory experience, bolstering customer loyalty.

For example, a product  company can provide a dedicated support number where customers can send text messages to ask various product questions or receive help with placing an order… Skilled support agents can then respond and work with customers one-on-one, ensuring a smooth and efficient resolution. These texting conversations can be maintained as a part of the customer record.

This proactive and convenient support method improves customer experience, minimizes downtime, and strengthens customer loyalty.

Enhance Customer Journey

Seamless Communication Across Channels

With Textellent, businesses can achieve seamless communication across multiple channels, creating a consistent customer journey. Our platform integrates with a variety of systems, including Scheduling, CRM, POS, email, website forms, and social media, allowing businesses to deliver cohesive, relevant messages and maintain a unified brand voice. By providing a seamless experience, businesses can strengthen customer relationships and increase satisfaction.

Real-time Updates and Transparency

Textellent enables businesses to provide real-time updates and transparent communication to customers. Whether texts are triggered by a given activity or event, such as an appointment, order confirmations, shipping or installation notifications, or service updates, our platform facilitates instant communication. By keeping customers informed every step of the way, businesses build trust, reduce uncertainty, and enhance the overall customer journey. For example, imagine a scenario where a customer has placed an order and eagerly awaits its arrival. With Textellent, businesses can send automated text notifications that provide real-time updates on a project or order at every step. From the time an order or project is submitted customers can stay informed about the status from beginning to end..  whereabouts. This level of transparency eliminates uncertainty and enhances the customer experience, resulting in greater satisfaction and loyalty.

Post-Purchase Engagement and Loyalty Programs

Textellent supports businesses in fostering long-term customer relationships that yield repeat business beyond the initial purchase. Our platform enables businesses to engage customers through post-purchase SMS messages, expressing gratitude, offering exclusive discounts, or requesting feedback and reviews. Additionally, Textellent helps businesses implement effective loyalty programs, rewarding customers for their continued support and encouraging repeat business.

At Textellent, we understand that enhancing the customer journey is vital for businesses to thrive. Our comprehensive texting solutions empower businesses to create exceptional experiences, from personalized communication to proactive support and seamless interactions. Reap the benefits of increased engagement, customer satisfaction, and long-term loyalty by contacting us today and talking with one of our specialists. We look forward to helping your business thrive!