Have you considered how a modern solution can improve your team’s productivity and connectivity?

As companies grow and teams become more geographically dispersed, traditional communication methods like emails and phone calls are often insufficient. Employee texting platforms could be the answer, providing a simplified way to ensure everyone stays in touch, no matter their location.

These platforms allow for quick, direct messages to be sent to team members’ phones, bypassing the clutter of email inboxes and the disruption of unexpected phone calls. Text messages are concise, ensuring that essential updates, reminders, and notifications are delivered and read promptly.

Given the many options available, choosing the right employee texting platform can seem daunting. It’s important to consider what specific features your business needs. In this blog, we’ll present the best platform that aligns with your business objectives.

What is an Employee Texting Platform?

An employee texting platform is a tool that allows businesses to communicate with their employees through text messages. This can include sending important updates, reminders, alerts, schedule updates, or even casual messages to keep the team engaged. 

These platforms are designed to provide a quick, reliable, and direct way of reaching employees, especially in situations where email or other communication methods might not be as effective.

Comparison with Other Communication Tools

Employee texting platforms offer distinct advantages over other communication tools:


While email is great for detailed communication and document sharing, it is not always the fastest way to send a message. Text messages are more immediate and are typically read within minutes of being received.

Instant Messaging

Tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams are excellent for team collaboration but require internet access and are more suited for longer conversations. Texting is simpler and can reach employees who are on the go.

Phone Calls

Direct and personal, but not always practical for quick updates or when reaching multiple employees at once. Texting is less intrusive and more efficient for mass communication.

Use Cases for SMS Employee Communication 

SMS communication serves as an effective channel for various workplace interactions. Here are different ways to use SMS in managing and engaging employees:

  • Quickly inform staff about new job openings or assignments
  • Provide updates on weather conditions affecting work schedules
  • Share announcements from human resources
  • Alert employees promptly about security issues or emergencies
  • Use SMS to recognize and commend employee contributions
  • Request employee feedback on various organizational aspects
  • Communicate changes in shifts and confirm schedules via text
  • Remind employees of meetings, deadlines, or events
  • Keep in touch with employees working remotely
  • One-to-one texting to answer employee questions or concerns
  • Sending Happy Birthday or work Anniversary greetings to show appreciation
  • Manage HR documents,timesheets, invoices, and expense reports efficiently through SMS

Basic Features To Look For in An Employee Texting Platform

When selecting an employee texting platform, it’s important to consider the features that will best meet your organization’s needs. Here are some essential features to look for:

Ease of Use and User-Friendly Interface

A good texting platform should be easy to use, with a simple interface that allows users to send and receive messages quickly. This ensures that all employees, regardless of their technical proficiency, can effectively use the platform without extensive training.

Integration with Other Tools and Platforms

You should look for a platform that can integrate with your organization’s current software, such as email, calendars, and project management tools. This will allow for a more cohesive SMS workflow and reduce the need to switch between different applications.

Compliance with Regulations

Make sure the platform adheres to regulations like TCPA in the U.S. to protect your organization and employees from potential legal issues. This ensures that employee communications remain confidential and compliant with data protection laws.

Message Scheduling and Automation

Scheduling allows you to plan messages for optimal times so they reach employees when they are most likely to read them. Automated responses can handle common queries, saving time for both managers and employees.

Analytics and Reporting

Look for platforms that offer detailed reports on text message delivery, open rates, response times, and engagement metrics. This data can help you refine your communication strategy and ensure the effectiveness of your SMS messages.

Customizable Templates and Message Personalization

Customizable templates and the ability to personalize messages are valuable features for tailoring communication to specific needs. 

Templates save time by providing pre-formatted messages for common scenarios, while personalization ensures that messages are relevant and engaging for each recipient. 

This way the employee’s name, the manager’s name, etc are always included so that messages feel like they are sent one-to-one even if some are automated.

Benefits of Using an Employee Texting Platform

Using an employee texting platform offers numerous benefits, including effective employee communication and overall productivity within an organization.

Primarily, they provide quick and direct communication with employees, allowing for important messages and updates to be received promptly. These platforms are particularly effective for disseminating information about employee benefits.

Here are the other key advantages of using an employee texting platform:

Improved Communication and Engagement

An employee texting platform ensures that important messages are delivered instantly. This immediacy is critical for urgent updates, reminders, and alerts. 

Privacy is also maintained such that when an employee texts back with a question or comment – only the manager sees that response and can reply back directly. 

According to a Gallup study, organizations with high employee engagement achieve 23% higher profitability. Texting platforms contribute to this engagement by providing a quick and reliable way to keep employees informed and involved.

Instant and Reliable Messaging

Text messages are typically read within minutes of being received, making them one of the most effective ways to communicate time-sensitive information. 

Unlike emails, which can sit unopened for hours or even days, text messages reach employees instantly. It’s particularly useful for emergency alerts, last-minute schedule changes, or important announcements that require immediate attention.


Texting platforms can be more cost-effective than other communication methods. 

They do not require extensive infrastructure, and many offer affordable pricing plans based on the number of messages sent. 

Better Management of Remote and Dispersed Teams

Many organizations have remote employees or dispersed teams. An employee texting platform ensures that these teams remain connected and informed, regardless of their location. 

This helps maintain a cohesive work environment and ensures that all employees have access to the same information.

Texting can facilitate those one-to-one communications between management and employees to build strong relationships and get concerns or questions addressed.

How to Choose the Right Employee Texting Platform

Selecting the right employee texting platform helps you maximize its benefits and ensure it meets your organization’s needs. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to choose the platform:

Assess Your Organization’s Needs

Understanding your organization’s unique requirements is important. You should also consider the primary purpose of the texting platform. 

First, determine whether it will be used for shift reminders, employee text alerts, general updates, training RSVPs, or other purposes. Then, assess how many staff management team members will  will be using the platform and your budget constraints. This preliminary evaluation will guide your selection process.

Compare Different Platforms

Once you have a clear understanding of your needs and the key features, compare different platforms. 

You can create a comparison table to evaluate how each platform performs in terms of ease of use, integration capabilities, compliance, and automation.

Read Reviews and Testimonials

Customer reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into the platform’s performance and reliability. 

You can look for feedback on user experience, customer support, platform stability, and overall satisfaction. This information can help you gauge how well a platform might work for your organization.

Consider Budget and Pricing Options

You should evaluate the pricing plans offered by different platforms. Some may charge per text message, while others offer monthly or annual subscriptions with a certain number of messages baked into the subscription. 

You should choose a pricing model that aligns with your budget and usage needs. Make sure to consider any additional costs that might arise, such as setup fees or extra features.

Try Free Trials and Demos

Many platforms like Textellent offer free trials or demos. You should take advantage of these opportunities to test the platform’s features and usability before making a final decision. 

This hands-on experience can help you determine if the platform meets your expectations and requirements. 

Why Textellent is The Best Employee Texting Platform

Are you trying to improve your business communications? Whether you run a small local shop, a large company, or a franchise, Textellent’s employee text messaging system is tailored to help you connect better with your team and potential hires.

Textellent tackles common issues like overlooked emails by enabling personalized, recurring, or immediate text blasts to large groups. This is often the preferred communication channel for many employees. 

Text messages boast a high open rate of 98%, which makes Textellent’s platform particularly effective for internal communications. This method ensures that employees not only deliver messages but also read and respond to them quickly.

Textellent also simplifies sharing important information across an organization. Whether it’s distributing employee schedules or updating health policies, the platform ensures that all employees are kept up-to-date and synchronized.

But what makes Textellent stand out from other employee texting platforms?

Textellent stands out as a top choice for employee texting solutionsdue to its reliable and fast messaging service. This employee texting system operates on a cloud-based network capable of handling high message volumes without slowdown for timely delivery of all communications.

The platform can automate the distribution of text-based reminders for routine organizational activities such as performance reviews, training sessions, or certification renewals. It also provides employees with an easy way to engage and receive quick responses, resulting in a more interactive and responsive workplace.

Textellent also offers automated birthday text messages, anniversaries, and holidays, which helps to build a positive workplace atmosphere and strengthen employee loyalty. These regular, thoughtful employee messages demonstrate to employees that they are valued, contributing to a happier and more connected workforce.

Additionally, Textellent seamlessly integrates text communications into your existing employee records or Applicant-Tracking systems. This feature ensures that all employee text messages are organized and easily accessible, simplifying management and compliance processes.

Keep Your Team in Sync with Textellent

Looking to keep your team consistently informed and engaged? With Textellent, managing employee communications becomes simple and instant. From quick updates to shifting changes and celebrating team milestones, everything is just a text away.

Say goodbye to the confusion of missed emails and delayed responses. 

Sign up for a free trial or request a demo consultation today and transform your employee texting strategy for better engagement and productivity.

FAQs About Employee Texting Platforms

Can employee texting platforms be customized for different departments within a company?

Yes, employee texting platforms can be highly customized to meet the specific communication needs of different departments. For instance, HR departments can use them for onboarding notifications, while operations can send out logistics updates.

The flexibility of these platforms allows for tailored messaging, which can be aligned with each department’s goals and workflows.

How can employee texting platforms facilitate emergency communication?

Employee texting platforms are highly effective for emergency communications because they allow users to send instant messages to a wide audience.

In an emergency, companies can quickly broadcast critical information to ensure employee safety and provide instructions on necessary actions. SMS’s immediacy and reach make it an indispensable tool during critical situations.

What is the typical setup time for an employee texting platform?

Setting up an employee texting platform can be done quickly, within an hour, once the phone number is completely registered with the carriers and, depending on the complexity of the organization’s other requirements.

Generally, basic setups can be completed within a few hours, while more integrated systems may take several days to fully configure and test. Providers often offer support throughout the setup process to ensure a smooth transition.