As technology advances and consumer preferences change, SMS marketing is also constantly improving. Despite the steady popularity of social media and email marketing, the simplicity of SMS is increasingly preferred by businesses looking to connect with their customers instantly.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the latest SMS marketing trends for 2024 and show you how these can help you engage with your customers more effectively.

Why Do Businesses Use SMS Marketing?

SMS marketing in the U.S. is expected to grow to a market size of $12.6 billion by 2025. With an anticipated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.3% during the forecast period, the rise of this type of marketing shows its increasing relevance and adoption across various industries. 

Businesses are turning to SMS marketing for numerous and compelling uses:

  • Promotional notifications: Send discounts and special offers.
  • Customer support: Facilitate instant support and inquiries.
  • Appointment reminders: Reduce no-shows with timely reminders.
  • Order updates: Provide real-time status on purchases and deliveries.
  • Feedback requests: Gather customer opinions quickly post-service.
  • Event notifications: Alert subscribers to upcoming events and promotions.
  • Loyalty programs: Distribute loyalty rewards and exclusive deals.
  • Emergency alerts: Communicate urgent updates and safety information.

Text messages strike a balance between attention-grabbing and noninvasive. SMS can be sent and received at the customer’s convenience, and they can then read and respond at their own pace, unlike phone calls, which might interrupt their day.

phone graph

Businesses looking to make the most of this SMS marketing should stay informed about the latest trends. Let’s take a look at SMS marketing statistics and trends this year:

Personalized Messages at Scale

The secret to successful SMS marketing nowadays is making every message feel like it’s made for the person reading it. 

With all the latest data analytics and integration tech, businesses can make a real connection through SMS marketing. You can add a personal touch like using the customer’s name, bringing up their last purchase, or sending offers that match their recent online browsing.

Personalized messages don’t just sell, they make people feel valued. When a business consistently delivers outstanding and personalized customer service, 93% of customers are more likely to return for more purchases. 

Use dynamic content in your messages, where certain parts of the message automatically change based on the recipient’s data. For example, include a first name, reference a recent interaction, or suggest products similar to those previously bought. 

Segmentation and Targeting

Customer segmentation and targeting are key strategies in marketing that allow your messages to reach the right audience. 

Targeted messaging ensures that your SMS campaigns are relevant to the recipients. This relevance boosts the chances of engagement, as customers are more likely to respond to content that aligns with their needs and preferences. 

You can divide your customer base into specific segments based on demographics, buying behaviors, or engagement levels. Then, tailor your messages to resonate deeply with each group. For example, sending special offers on sports gear to customers who have purchased athletic products shows that you understand and cater to their interests.

Textellent’s automated SMS campaigns feature flexible tags that allow you to categorize contacts based on detailed criteria such as their purchasing behavior, event attended, interests, or any other custom tag relevant to your business. 

Once tagged, automating text blasts becomes simplified. You can set up group messages or even schedule recurring text blasts that are highly relevant based on the tags assigned to each contact.

Integration of SMS with Other Channels

Approximately 70% of consumers will likely increase their spending with brands that effectively implement a smart omnichannel strategy. Emails are great for sending detailed information, but SMS is perfect for quick reminders, flash sales, and exclusive offers to a select group of customers.

Businesses can broaden their reach by integrating SMS with other marketing channels, such as email and social media. Linking SMS with your social media also lets you create connected campaigns that reach people in different ways and generate opportunities for prospects to opt in to learn more via text.

This approach creates a multidimensional campaign that engages customers on different platforms and caters to their preferences while simultaneously expanding your marketing lists.

Collect and analyze data from all channels to better understand your customers’ preferences and behaviors. If you use chatbots for quick chats on your website, follow up with an SMS to get feedback or offer further help. This keeps the conversation going even after they leave your site.

Customer data can help you tailor your promotional messages more effectively and decide which channel is best for which type of direct communication.

AI in SMS Automation

Many business leaders frequently become strong proponents of integrating generative AI within their organizations. With AI, businesses can automate their text messaging in ways that connect with each customer personally.

For example, AI can query a keyword to find out someone’s full name and zip code for service interest. This simplifies collecting first-party data and expanding opt-in marketing lists, making texting more personalized.

Another example is AI distinguishing between a client saying thank you or asking a question. This ensures an appropriate response is sent. AI can also perform sentiment analysis. When a prospect doesn’t use “STOP” or “UNSUBSCRIBE,” AI detects opt-out intentions.

If they text “I had a bad experience,” it suggests they want to opt-out. The platform can automatically opt them out and alert you to address their concern directly.

All of these are great uses of AI with texting and as SMS marketing campaigns grow, AI can effortlessly scale to handle increased volumes without compromising message quality or personalization. AI-driven systems adapt quickly to either a small local campaign or a large global initiative.

The Impact of 10-DLC

10-DLC uses standard 10-digit phone numbers for sending commercial SMS messages. This system helps businesses reliably and compliantly reach customers via text, effectively balancing communication needs with spam prevention.

10-DLC systems are designed to ensure businesses comply with carrier regulations so that their text messages will not be blocked or filtered as spam. It’s crucial for businesses to submit the proper information to the 10-DLC registry through their text messaging vendor so that they can rely on timely and guaranteed message delivery.

Registering and maintaining 10-DLC registration is typically free and easy with a reliable text messaging vendor. Once approved by the carriers, you can start sending texts to customers. Carriers will first want to understand your campaign types and they also need to know how you gathered your opt-in list. 

Your legitimacy, established by the carriers, means higher delivery and open rates. This makes your messages more likely to be seen and acted upon. As a result, your return on investment will improve.

Plus, the credibility that comes with this process can improve the overall effectiveness of your SMS marketing strategies.

Integrating Rich Communication Services (RCS)

RCS is a communication protocol between mobile carriers and phones that will further expand the functions of text messaging with more versatile and interactive capabilities.

It supports features like reading receipts, typing indicators, high-resolution media sharing, and more. While this is not yet available for text messaging platforms in the U.S., it is expected by year-end.

SMS and MMS Campaigns

MMS and SMS campaigns work so well because they invite two-way conversations. Unlike traditional marketing, which typically involves sending information in one direction, texting creates a two-way dialogue. 

Elements like animated gifs, short videos, and fun images can encourage more engagement. These make texting campaigns more fun and engaging, increasing customers’ likelihood of participating.

Customers are more likely to remember and respond positively to a message they find inviting and fun.

How to Run Effective SMS & MMS Marketing Campaigns

Running effective SMS marketing campaigns requires strategic planning, understanding your audience, and adhering to best practices. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create and execute successful SMS campaigns:

  • Clearly outline what you want to achieve with your SMS campaigns.
  • Always get explicit consent from customers before sending SMS messages. 
  • Provide multiple, easy ways for customers to opt in and grow your SMS subscriber list
  • Categorize your subscribers based on demographics, behavior, or purchase history.
  • Keep messages concise and direct with a clear call to action. Personalize the content to increase engagement.
  • Send messages at appropriate times to avoid inconvenience.
  • Implement tracking to assess performance metrics like open rates and conversions.
  • Follow legal requirements for SMS marketing, including providing an easy opt-out option in every message.

Lead the Trend: Optimize SMS Engagement with Textellent!

With Textellent, you can stay ahead of the latest SMS marketing trends using our cutting-edge smart replies and personalized messages. This intuitive SMS marketing software helps you achieve exceptional engagement and improve your SMS marketing efforts!


Sign up for a free trial or request a demo consultation today.

How can businesses measure the success of their SMS marketing campaigns?

Success can be measured through metrics like open rates, response rates, conversion rates, and the overall ROI of the campaigns. Additionally, customer feedback can provide insights into how well the SMS campaigns are received.

Are there specific times or occasions when SMS marketing is particularly effective?

Yes, SMS marketing is particularly effective during time-sensitive promotions such as flash sales, important announcements, or reminders for upcoming events or appointments. It’s also effective during holiday seasons when promotional activity is high and consumers are more responsive to deals.

How do text message marketing laws affect campaign strategy?

SMS marketing is regulated by laws that require businesses to obtain consent before sending marketing messages and to provide clear opt-out instructions in every SMS.

These laws ensure that customers do not receive unsolicited messages, influencing how businesses plan and execute their SMS marketing campaigns. Compliance is crucial to avoid legal repercussions and maintain customer trust.