Promotional text messages are an effective way to quickly engage with your customers and grow your business.

But it’s easy to get it wrong: too many messages, texts sent at inconvenient times, or overly aggressive promotions can annoy your audience rather than attract them.

In this article, we’ll explore smart ways to craft your messages and ensure your customers are happy to receive them. We’ll also discuss the fine line between effective communication and introduce you to the best texting platform that can help optimize your SMS marketing efforts.

What Are Promotional Text Messages?

Have you ever received a text message promoting a flash sale, exclusive event, or one-time discount from your favorite store? 

These messages are known as promotional text messages, and businesses use them to directly engage with customers and drive immediate action. 

Unlike emails that might sit unread, these messages pop up right on customer’s mobile devices, grabbing their attention with offers that are too tempting to ignore.

Promotional messages convey quick, impactful information in a format that’s easy for recipients to digest and act upon. They typically aim to increase sales, boost customer engagement, or promote awareness of products or special events. 

Why Use Promotional Text Messages?

Promotional texts offer several advantages over other marketing channels:

Immediate Delivery

Promotional text messages are delivered to recipients almost immediately after they are sent, making them ideal for time-sensitive promotions and offers.

Because these messages are received immediately, they allow for real-time engagement with customers. For instance, a restaurant can send a lunchtime special to nearby customers, prompting an immediate visit.

Personal Connection

A personal touch can make the customer feel more connected to your brand. SMS provides a direct line to your customers without the competition typically found in email inboxes or online ads. 

Promotional texts can also be personalized with the customer’s name and store manager’s name and even triggered based on the customer’s previous interactions with the brand, purchase history, or demographic data. Personalization increases the relevance of the message, which can improve customer response rates.

High Read Rates

Text messages have an open rate of around 98%, which is higher than other forms of digital communication like email. A high open rate ensures that a majority of the target audience actually sees your promotional content.

People tend to read text messages within minutes of receiving them. Therefore, text messages can quickly drive actions such as visiting a website, using a coupon, attending a sale, or registering for an event.

woman on a street looking at a phone

Important Rules for Sending Promotional Texts

One of the most important regulations affecting SMS marketing is the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the United States. 

You must secure clear consent from consumers before sending promotional text messages. They need to agree to receive your messages, and this agreement should be documented.

It also mandates that businesses provide a clear opt-out mechanism. Violating the TCPA can result in fines of up to $1,500 per unsolicited message.

Every promotional message must include a simple way for recipients to stop receiving messages. Often, this means they can reply with “STOP” to unsubscribe.

How to Obtain Consent From Your Customers

Obtaining consent is a critical step in your text message marketing strategy. Without proper consent, your messages could be classified as spam, resulting in legal consequences and a damaged reputation.

Start with Clear Communication

Ensure your opt-in process is explicit. Clearly state that by providing their phone number, the person agrees to receive SMS marketing messages from your business.

You should never assume consent based on other interactions, such as a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. It’s important to inform potential subscribers about the types of promotional SMS messages they will receive.

This includes deals, updates, or reminders. It also explains how often they will receive these messages and how they can opt out at any time.

Create Multiple Opportunities for Opt-In

You can collect consent through various methods. One common approach is to use sign-up forms on your website, mobile app, or in a physical location. These forms should include an option to enter a phone number and a checkbox that users must actively tick to show they agree to receive texts. Make sure this checkbox isn’t pre-checked.

Another method is during the checkout process on e-commerce sites, where customers can choose to add their phone number and agree to receive texts.

Alternatively, you could encourage customers to text a keyword like “JOIN” to a specific number to subscribe. This method is very direct and ensures that the consent is explicit.

Double Opt-In

You can also implement a double opt-in process to ensure the customer genuinely wants to receive messages from you.

After the initial sign-up, send a confirmation text asking the customer to reply or click a link to confirm their subscription. This helps and provides an additional layer of proof of consent.

How to Grow Your Subscriber List

A strong subscriber list is the backbone of any successful SMS marketing campaign. Without a targeted and engaged list, even the most well-crafted promotional messages will fall flat.

Growing your subscriber list requires strategic planning and the use of multiple channels to reach potential subscribers. Below are some effective methods to expand your SMS marketing list:

Promote Across All Channels

Use every available channel to promote your SMS program, including your website, email newsletters, and social media platforms. Make sure the promotion clearly states the benefits of signing up, such as exclusive offers, instant updates, or insider news.

Use Incentives to Encourage Sign-Ups

Incentives can boost your sign-up rates. You can offer a one-time discount, free shipping, or the opportunity to receive“text-only specials” to encourage more prospects to subscribe to your text messages. 

Make sure to advertise these incentives wherever you’re collecting phone numbers to maximize the effectiveness of your call to action.

Implement a Referral Program

You can offer your current subscribers a reward for each person they get to sign up, like a discount or bonus points if you have a loyalty program. This not only expands your list but does so with leads that are likely to be highly engaged due to the personal recommendation.

Use Existing Customer Touchpoints

Incorporate SMS sign-up options into existing interaction points with customers:

  • During checkout: Online and in physical stores, ask customers if they would like to receive promotional messages and make it easy for them to opt-in.
  • Account sign-up pages: Include an opt-in option when new users register on your website.
  • Customer service interactions: Train customer service representatives to inform customers about your SMS program during support calls or chats.

Maintain a Healthy List

You must clean out inactive numbers from your subscriber list and continuously engage with your audience to keep their interest. Make sure to segment your list based on subscriber behavior or preferences to tailor your messages more effectively.

Textellent’s advanced segmentation capabilities allow you to target messages based on customer preferences, history, event attendance, or previous actions like estimates given.

How to Send Promotional Text Messages

Catchy and engaging SMS marketing messages improve customer engagement and drive conversions. Here are some tips to help you create messages that encourage action:

Keep It Short and Sweet

Text messages are meant to be read quickly. Mobile users often scan texts while on the go, so the shorter and more direct your message, the better.

Identify the core message or offer you want to communicate. Everything in your SMS should revolve around this central theme. Remove any fluff or unnecessary details that do not directly support your main point.

You can choose strong and direct words. Words like “grab,” “buy,” “register,” or “visit” immediately convey what action you want the customer to take. Avoid the passive voice, as it tends to lengthen and weaken the message.

To give you a practical idea, here are a couple of examples of promotional text messages that are concise yet effective:

  • Flash sale alert: “Hi [Name], Get 20% off all shoes today only! Use the discount code SHOE20 at checkout. Hurry, ends midnight! [URL]”
  • Event promotion: “Hey [Name], Join us this Saturday at 7 PM for our live music night. The first drink is free with RSVP! Text YES to confirm your spot.”

Start with a Hook

A hook is the first line of your text message that draws the reader in. With the limited attention span of most mobile users, a strong hook immediately engages the reader.

Start with a question that relates to the recipient’s interests or needs. This encourages them to think about their own situation and how your offer might benefit them.

Example: “Ready for a weekend adventure at a fraction of the cost?”

You can also lead with a surprising statistic or fact that highlights the value of your offer or the urgency of your message.

Example: “Did you know that 80% of our customers see results in just two weeks?”

You must also clearly state what benefits the recipient will gain by taking action. Make it about them, not just your product.

Example: “Unlock your exclusive member discount today!”

If possible, personalize the message to make the recipient feel it’s specially tailored for them. This could be as simple as using their name or referencing a recent purchase.

Example: “Mike, we thought you might like these hand-picked just for you.”

Remember, the key here is to make the opening line so intriguing that the recipient wants to read more.

Here’s a quick guide about 14 Promotional Message Examples to Capture Customers you must check out!

Personalize Where Possible

Personalization in SMS marketing includes using the recipient’s name and tailoring the individual’s preferences, behaviors, and previous interactions with your brand.

When a message feels personal, it can strengthen the emotional connection between your brand and the customer. You can even include the local manager’s name as the sender so that every message feels like it is being sent one-to-one.

You can send personalized offers based on previous purchases. For example, if a customer bought a tent from your outdoor store, you might follow up with a special offer on sleeping bags.

Also, segment your list based on customer behaviors, such as browsing history or engagement with previous campaigns. Send them messages tailored to their actions, like a discount on items they’ve viewed but haven’t purchased.

Optimize Timing

Understand when your audience is most likely to be receptive to your messages. You should consider their daily routines, lifestyles, and behaviors.

If your target audience consists of working professionals, early morning or late afternoon might be effective times for them to commute. On the other hand, if you’re targeting college students, later in the day could be more effective.

If your customer base is spread across different geographical locations, consider the time zones in which your recipients live.

You can also take advantage of special dates, events, or holidays that are relevant to your audience or product. Sending SMS messages related to holiday shopping deals ahead of major shopping days like Black Friday can spur action and increase sales.

Use Multimedia

Visual content can capture attention better than text alone. Including an image, GIF, or video in your message can make it stand out and gain better engagement.

MMS is particularly useful for showcasing products, demonstrating how a service works, or adding fun elements to SMS messages that reflect your brand’s personality.

However, always consider the file size of the multimedia elements you are sending. Large files may take longer to download, and some carriers block large images.

Before launching a multimedia-rich campaign, test different file formats and sizes on various devices to ensure compatibility and optimal display. What looks good on one type of phone might not display properly on another.

Choosing the Right SMS Marketing Software

The platform you choose should not only fit your business’s specific needs but also improve your SMS marketing strategy. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you make an informed decision:

Evaluate Your Needs

Begin by assessing your business’s specific requirements for SMS marketing, such as:

  • The number of messages you plan to send monthly 
  • Features you need, such as automation, segmentation, personalization, analytics, and integration capabilities
  • Consider having the capability to have two-way text conversations with customers
  • How much you’re willing to spend on SMS marketing

Most SMS marketing services, like Textellent, offer a trial period or demo version. This allows you to test the platform’s features, assess its ease of use, and determine if it meets your needs. It is also a good opportunity to evaluate the quality of customer support.

Identify the Key Features

When comparing SMS marketing tools, pay attention to the platform’s automation capabilities. 

Automation helps you scale your SMS marketing campaigns and reduce manual workloads. Check if it can schedule messages and automate messages to be sent out at preset intervals.

A good SMS platform should also easily integrate with your existing marketing tools and CRM systems. This helps synchronize data across platforms, which ensures consistency and accuracy in your marketing efforts.

Effective segmentation capabilities are essential for personalizing campaigns and improving engagement rates. The platform should allow you to tailor your audience segments based on various criteria, such as demographics, behavioral data, and custom attributes.

Lastly, choose a platform that can grow with your business. As your audience expands, you might need to send more relevant messages or require more sophisticated features. Make sure the platform can handle increased demands without compromising performance.

Price Comparison

Finally, compare pricing among platforms that meet your feature and usability requirements. Consider the base price and any additional costs for extra features, higher sending volumes, or better support services.

How Textellent Can Improve Your Promotional Text Messaging Campaigns

When launching promotional text messaging campaigns, choosing a platform like Textellent can improve your reach and engagement. 

Textellent offers a suite of unique features that support the entire customer journey, from initial contact through ongoing engagement to post-service follow-up.

It uses existing phone numbers, ensuring that your customers receive your SMS marketing messages from a recognizable number. Its system supports the use of keywords with both shared short codes and long codes (the businesses’ 10-digit phone numbers), but responses always come from a real phone number instead of a generic shortcode to localize the experience.

Unlike some platforms that only support SMS, this business texting solution allows you to send images via MMS that enrich your messages and make them more appealing. The comprehensive library of message templates and media for MMS speeds up the creation of your campaigns, and your company’s own images are easily uploaded and maintained as well.

Pre and post-appointment messages keep your clients engaged and informed.

Textellent’s appointment management application goes beyond basic scheduling tools like Calendly by offering extensive texting capabilities at various stages of the appointment process. This includes sending texts for intake forms, setting additional appointments, and soliciting reviews.

Most of all, this SMS marketing software stands out in lead generation, nurturing, and follow-up. The platform can automatically send personalized messages immediately upon an inquiry and follow up with drip campaigns designed to secure an appointment or drive other desired actions.

These campaigns can be triggered by any event, new preference, or purchase to ensure timely and relevant engagement with potential and existing customers.

Easily Send Effective Promotional Text Messages With Textellent 

Boost your SMS marketing strategies with the best business texting solution!

Textellent helps you manage appointments and follow-ups with ease and transform your promotional messages with its MMS capabilities. With Textellent, you get more than just text messaging; it helps create meaningful connections with customers.

Textellent capabilities

Ready to see real results from your SMS campaigns? Explore Textellent with a free trial or request a demo consultation.

FAQs About Promotional Text Messages

How do I prevent my promotional texts from being considered spam?

Before sending messages, ensure you have explicit consent from all recipients to avoid being perceived as spam.

Also, maintain a clean and updated list of contacts and avoid using overly aggressive sales language that can trigger spam filters. Regularly reviewing and adhering to compliance guidelines will also help prevent your messages from being classified as spam.

What are some creative uses of promotional text messages beyond sales?

Beyond direct sales, promotional text messages can be used for event reminders, customer surveys, product updates, recruiting programs, or loyalty program engagements.

For example, you can send texts to alert customers about new blog posts or videos, invite feedback on recent purchases, or offer special offers to celebrate milestones like anniversaries or birthdays.

What is the ideal frequency for sending promotional texts without annoying customers?

The ideal frequency can vary based on your industry and the preferences of your audience.

A general guideline is to send no more than 2- 3 promotional messages a month, but this can be adjusted based on customer feedback and engagement levels. Always monitor response rates and opt-outs to tweak your frequency accordingly.