A small tweak in your usual SMS marketing approach can turn a standard message into something more personal and engaging. 

As you begin texting to reach out to your customers, remember that these little changes can make your communications feel friendlier and more welcoming.

In this blog post, we will explore the common mistakes to avoid and how simple adjustments in your texting strategy can enhance your connection with customers.

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How Can Texting Errors Affect Your SMS Campaign?

If you run a business and decide to send a text about a special offer to the wrong people or at the wrong time, it might not be very effective. Instead of bringing people closer to your business, mistakes like these can push them away.

Sending texts outside business hours or with confusing info can annoy people, and they might even block your number, cutting off a way for you to reach them. 

Plus, if your texts seem off-base, customers might start wondering how carefully you’re handling their info.

Fortunately, the right practices can easily prevent these mistakes. We will outline them below so you can engage with your customers through thoughtful, well-timed SMS messages.

woman reading an SMS message on her phone

6 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Business Texting

These are the six common mistakes to avoid:

1. Lack of Personalization

If your customers receive a text that feels like it’s just been blasted out to hundreds of people—it doesn’t make them feel special or even particularly inclined to engage. It can make your SMS marketing messages feel impersonal rather than a direct conversation.

When a message feels generic, it’s less engaging and can be easily overlooked. Adding personal touches to your business texts can transform otherwise generic, lengthy messages.

Instead of a broad “Thank you for your purchase,” say something like, “Hi there, just wanted to say thanks for buying the [Product Name] from us. We’re getting it ready to send off to you. If you’ve got any questions, we’re here to help!” 

This slight tweak makes the message feel like it’s speaking directly to the customer, and you acknowledged their specific action.

2. Poor Timing of Messages

In text message marketing, getting the timing right is like choosing the perfect moment to join a conversation—it matters. 

Just as you wouldn’t interrupt someone during a quiet moment to ask about work, sending a business text at an inconvenient time can feel intrusive or be easily ignored. You should be able to match it with the rhythm of someone’s daily life.

Say you’re sending promotions and discounts too early in the morning or late at night. These messages might not only go unread but could also annoy the recipient, much like being poked during a moment of relaxation.

The key to SMS marketing is understanding not just what to say but also when to say it. For example, a reminder or a special offer might be well-received during the mid-morning or in the early evening when people are more likely to be checking their phones casually.

Getting irrelevant content from a business you don’t know might feel intrusive. So, businesses looking to start texting their customers should adhere to the law of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). 

If businesses do not adhere to these guidelines, especially for marketing-type messages, messages may be blocked so that carriers may refuse to send additional messages, and there is a risk of incurring fines. 

This rule states that before a business can send text messages to someone, that person needs to clearly indicate that they are okay with it. This can be done by signing up on a website or responding to a text message opt-in. 

This law ensures that people’s inboxes aren’t filled with messages they didn’t ask for. It protects their privacy and ensures that they only get texts they’re actually interested in. 

4. Unprofessional Language and Tone

Just like how a casual outfit might not be the best choice for a formal meeting, slang and overly casual language can come across as unprofessional in a business text.

If customers received a text from a business contact filled with casual slang or lots of emojis, it might leave them wondering if the message was meant for them. Keeping a professional tone doesn’t mean you have to be stiff or overly formal. 

Having a clear, respectful, and suitable message for a business-related conversation should work. The goal is to be friendly and approachable while still building trust with your customers.

5. Lack of Clarity and Conciseness

Have you tried reading a sign that’s too wordy or complex? It’s difficult, right? 

That’s how it feels when texts are packed with too much information or industry jargon. Each text is a chance to share your message to customers quickly and clearly.

A good business text should be clearly stated without overwhelming the recipient with too much information or complex language. This doesn’t mean your messages should lack personality; rather, they should balance character and simplicity. 

Aim for messages that convey one main idea at a time. If you have multiple points to discuss, consider sending a series of short texts or an image with more details to make it digestible and respectful of your recipient’s time and attention.

6. Missing Call to Action

It’s crucial not to forget about including a call to action (CTA) in your text message marketing campaigns. It gives clear directions to your customers rather than leaving them to figure out where to go next. 

After reading your text, they should know exactly what you’d like them to do, whether that’s to book an appointment, visit a link, or use a promo code.

For example, promotional text messages are more enticing when they include a clear incentive and urgency. A message like, “Exclusive offer for our VIP customers: Use code VIP20 at checkout for 20% off your next purchase! Hurry, offer ends [Date].” encourages immediate action and highlights the exclusivity and time sensitivity of the offer.

How to Avoid Texting Mistakes in Business

Avoiding texting errors is important for businesses looking to implement text messaging as a communication strategy. 

Here’s how they can avoid these mistakes:

Ensure you have explicit permission from customers before sending them texts. This not only complies with regulations like the TCPA but also builds trust with your audience. Use sign-up forms on your website or opt-in messages to gather consent.

Personalize Messages

Tailor your texts to the individual receiving them. Use their name and reference past interactions or preferences to make the message feel more personal and relevant. 

Textellent makes it possible to send targeted, meaningful messages to particular segments of your audience. This means you can send deals or updates that are actually interesting to the people who receive them and make them more likely to get hooked.

This automated texting service lets you add personal touches to your business texts, such as using the customer’s name or mentioning something they bought before. You can even segment your customers into different groups using tags.

Consider Your Timing

Text messages have an open rate of 98% and can have a response rate of up to 45%, which is much higher than other marketing channels.

Send messages at appropriate times. Avoid early mornings, late nights, and any time that could be inconvenient or intrusive for the recipient. Consider time zones and possibly even the recipient’s schedule if known.

Adding to the convenience, Textellent offers automated text messages through Text Blasts. You can choose to send these messages in bulk immediately or schedule them for a future time. 

Keep It Professional and Clear

Use clear, concise language and maintain a professional tone. Avoid slang, jargon, or anything that could be misunderstood. Ensure your message is easily understandable and straight to the point to avoid confusion.

Textellent offers automated campaigns and a selection of ready-made templates so businesses won’t need to spend extra effort composing the same message repeatedly. 

Include a Clear Call to Action (CTA)

Make sure every message has a purpose and directs the recipient towards a specific action. 

Whether it’s to book an appointment, visit a website, or use a promo code, a clear CTA guides the recipient on what to do next.

Switch to Effective Business Texting with Textellent

With Textellent, you can easily schedule messages, personalize your customer interactions, and elevate your marketing efforts to new heights. Don’t let another day go by with subpar communication strategies. 

Textellent capabilities

Sign up for a Free Trial or request a Demo consultation today.


Business texting is a great opportunity to connect with customers where they are most engaged. Timely text messages can benefit any business looking to quickly spread the word about special deals or important news.

But, like any powerful tool, it’s all about how you use it. Getting permission, making messages feel personal, picking the right time to send them, and using smart solutions like Textellent to keep everything running smoothly are essential to getting it right. 

So, take these tips, and use them to make your business texting as effective as it can be. 

FAQs About Business Texting Mistakes

How can I measure the success of my business texting campaigns?

Track metrics such as open rates, delivery rates, response rates, and conversion rates to measure the success of your SMS marketing campaign. Analyzing these metrics can provide insights into what works well and what needs adjustment in your text marketing strategy. 

How do I handle opt-outs in business text messaging?

Opt-out requests are handled automatically by texting platforms by immediately removing the requester from your contact list to comply with legal standards and respect customer preferences. Ensure your system automatically recognizes common opt-out phrases like “STOP and “UNSUBSCRIBE.”

What’s the risk of not updating my SMS marketing list?

Not updating your marketing list regularly can result in sending messages to outdated numbers, wasting resources, and potentially causing compliance issues. Regular updates ensure accuracy and efficiency in your marketing messages.