
Respond to and Nurture Leads Fast

At Textellent, we are helping the Ramsey ELPs get in touch with the leads within seconds via texting! And the results have been astonishing! We would love to help more ELPs get in touch with their Ramsey leads within seconds. This will be a great experience for the consumers/leads and a win for the ELPs as well, thereby elevating the entire Ramsey ELP program.

You receive lead emails from Ramsey ELP’s website via email. If those leads are not responded to quickly enough they will keep looking for other options. This is where Textellent’s integration comes in. We parse the lead notification email and extract the name and phone number.

Once the lead’s name and phone number have been parsed from the email, an automatic yet personalized text is sent saying, “Hi (firstname), it’s (yourname), your local Dave Ramsey ELP for Tax & Accounting. Thanks for reaching out. How can I help you?” This message invites them to text back and start a real conversation immediately. All this can happen within seconds providing the best speed-to-lead!

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Why Textellent

Selecting a text messaging service for business means considering how it will integrate with your other systems. Create messages that are triggered by events in the customer journey using Textellent advanced integration capabilities. You can quickly grow your business by being more responsive to your leads while reducing your workload.